Case Studies


Comprehensive exposure assessments and loss benchmarking, included on Shepherd proposals


Understanding exposure through actionable data

Shepherd provides risk assessments alongside our proposals to help clients identify and take action on exposure or claims trends

Payroll Breakdown

Visualize the top contributors to premium based on payroll analysis

Fleet Detail

Assessments of fleet size and makeup as key drivers to premium

Loss Benchmarking

Identifying claims trends and evaluating performance relative to peers

How it works

Improving your risk strategy starts here

We’re motivated to help you measure your risk management performance so that you can improve the things in your control.

  • Live reports updated automatically
  • Cohort based analysis by contractor type and location
  • Included free as part of Shepherd proposals

“Shepherd Insights provided us a new tool to view and measure our performance against our peers, deploy loss control resources more effectively, and served as a key component in analyzing the feasibility for captive options for our primary insurance.”


Gregg Huwes

Director of Safety

Marques General Engineering


Explore AI Compliance

Automated certificate and endorsement workflow solution for contractors