Case Studies
Shepherd’s Expanded Capacity Capabilities Secures RCCIP in Utah

Shepherd’s Expanded Capacity Capabilities Secures RCCIP in Utah

Shepherd Savings


"Shepherd's increased capacity on their excess program was exactly what we needed for our client's RCCIP program given the expiring structure. Their established relationship with our client through previous placements, combined with their understanding of the program specifications, made them the ideal partner. Our client also benefited from the Shepherd Savings program, receiving premium discounts for their utilization of Procore. Their commitment to innovative risk management solutions aligned seamlessly with Shepherd's approach, strengthening this valuable partnership. We're thrilled to have secured this placement with the Shepherd team and look forward to growing this relationship for many years to come."

{"name":"Nils Sorenson","title":"Senior Vice President","company":"Arthur J. Gallagher","image":{"url":""}}

Nils Sorenson

Senior Vice President

Arthur J. Gallagher

"## Program Type\n\n* RCCIP\n* $6B Construction Value\n* Utah\n* 5-year term \n\n## Placement Profile\n\n* Excess Liability\n* 12.5m p.o. 25 x 25\n\n## Background \n\nShepherd’s Excess program continues to evolve year-over-year, driven by our commitment to delivering best-in-class solutions. In 2025, we introduced expanded limits up to $12.5M on select programs, subject to underwriting review. This enhancement has already opened new opportunities—this case study being a prime example.\n\n## How it came together\n\nA well-known client was looking for excess support on their Rolling CCIP, and needed a partner capable of providing substantial capacity who had an understanding of their operations. Shepherd was strongly positioned for this opportunity due to our established relationship with the client, as well as our newly expanded excess capacity.\n\nOur partnership with this client and their broker developed over the past two years through excess support on two major project placements. We were initially drawn to this contractor because of their operational excellence, strong loss performance, and innovative risk management approach, including the utilization of construction technologies —qualities that motivated us to invest in building a long-term partnership.\n\nThe relationship strengthened through our shared focus on innovative risk management. This client was an early participant of Shepherd Savings, earning premium discounts across all Shepherd-written programs to support their continued investment in risk-reducing technologies on their jobsites. \n\nGiven this strong foundation, participating in their rolling program was an appealing opportunity for our team. Leveraging our expanded capacity, Shepherd’s ability to offer $12.5M for the target layer successfully secured the business. We are thrilled about this win and look forward to growing this partnership for many years to come. \n"

Program Type


  • $6B Construction Value

  • Utah

  • 5-year term

Placement Profile

  • Excess Liability

  • 12.5m p.o. 25 x 25


Shepherd’s Excess program continues to evolve year-over-year, driven by our commitment to delivering best-in-class solutions. In 2025, we introduced expanded limits up to $12.5M on select programs, subject to underwriting review. This enhancement has already opened new opportunities—this case study being a prime example.

How it came together

A well-known client was looking for excess support on their Rolling CCIP, and needed a partner capable of providing substantial capacity who had an understanding of their operations. Shepherd was strongly positioned for this opportunity due to our established relationship with the client, as well as our newly expanded excess capacity.

Our partnership with this client and their broker developed over the past two years through excess support on two major project placements. We were initially drawn to this contractor because of their operational excellence, strong loss performance, and innovative risk management approach, including the utilization of construction technologies —qualities that motivated us to invest in building a long-term partnership.

The relationship strengthened through our shared focus on innovative risk management. This client was an early participant of Shepherd Savings, earning premium discounts across all Shepherd-written programs to support their continued investment in risk-reducing technologies on their jobsites.

Given this strong foundation, participating in their rolling program was an appealing opportunity for our team. Leveraging our expanded capacity, Shepherd’s ability to offer $12.5M for the target layer successfully secured the business. We are thrilled about this win and look forward to growing this partnership for many years to come.

Underwriting Profile

AlaskaHawaiiAlabamaArkansasArizonaCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareFloridaGeorgiaIowaIdahoIllinoisIndianaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMassachusettsMarylandMaineMichiganMinnesotaMissouriMississippiMontanaNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNebraskaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNevadaNew YorkOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVirginiaVermontWisconsinWest VirginiaWyoming

$12.5M p/o $25M excess liability

$12.5M p/o $25M excess liability

Shepherd Savings Partners



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