"Working with the Shepherd team on our insured’s excess liability renewal has been an absolute pleasure. The level of professionalism, collaboration and dedication displayed by each team member to understand our insureds business needs and risk is truly commendable. The team’s strong communication skills and mutual support have consistently fostered a sense of unity and allowed us to achieve our goals efficiently. It has been an enriching experience collaborating with such a talented and motivated group."
General contractor focused on heavy highway and civil projects
Headquartered in California
Operations in California and Colorado
Contractor practice program
$7.5M p/o $15M x $10M x P follow-form excess liability policy
Shepherd was excited about this opportunity from the start and eager to partner with this broker team. Our responsiveness and collaboration were key to understanding the risk and targeting our layer in the tower. We worked closely with the broker team to provide the most competitive pricing and meet the target timeline, which was crucial in securing this deal.
Underwriting Profile
Costas Hadjipateras
Head of Underwriting
More Case Studies
Captive Program Lead Placements
Lead Umbrella Placements for Contractor Practice Programs
$25M General Contractor in Florida
$5M excess liability policy for contractor practice program
$250M Telecommunications and Electrical Contractor in Ohio utilizing Casualty Pro
$5M lead umbrella for contractor practice program
Any appointed broker can send submissions directly to our underwriting team